Here’s a roundup of what’s happening this week + information about end-of-year celebrations, promotions, and graduation. As always, please refer to our main calendar page (bookmark this!) for more information about these and other events/announcements.
- Tuesday, April 18, is the next Nurturing Parenting Group meeting, which is open to all SRPMIC teen parents. Participants will receive free diapers and books for their child in a safe and supportive atmosphere. Light refreshments will be provided. The group meets Tuesdays and Thursdays now through May 4. On Tuesdays, the group meets in person from 4-6:30 p.m. On Thursdays, the group meets virtually. Learn more and sign up today by calling Margaret Lehn at 480-765-0617 or email [email protected].
- Tuesday, April 18, the Salt River Tribal Library will be available during ECEC drop-off to share information about the WOLF’s summer programs, events, and classes. Questions? Call the ECEC at 480-362-2200.
- Wednesday, April 19, is the next car seat check at the ECEC. These take place every first and third Wednesday of the month (March-May) from 7-9 a.m. in the ECEC drop-off lane. No appointment needed! Contact Melinda Hansen at 480-362-2206 for more information.
- Thursday, April 20, is Soda with Security at the Accelerated Learning Academy (room 618 near the front office). The event is hosted by the Safe Schools & Security team and runs from 5:30-7 p.m. Discussion will highlight current drug trends, updated data, as well as information on marijuana concentrates, opioids, amphetamines, alcohol, and inhalants. Don’t miss out on this important conversation. A meal will be served while supplies last. Contact [email protected] for more information.
- Thursday, April 20, the Fountain Hills Cares program will present information for teens and parents about social media’s impact on mental health. Cathy Mangels (School & Community Relations) and Leroy Eswonia (SRS Social Services) will represent Salt River Schools at the event, which is free and open to all. A $500 cash prize will be raffled off at the event (must be present to win). Click here to learn more about the event.
- Friday, April 21, is Field Day at SRES from 8:30-11 a.m. A flyer is attached. Parents and guardians of SRES students are welcome to watch and cheer. Please ensure students are dressed appropriately. After Field Day events, SRES parents/guardians are invited to eat a BBQ lunch with their students from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; they must RSVP by calling SRES at 480-362-2400 or respond in ClassDojo.
- Friday, April 21, award-winning Diné poet Kinsale Drake will visit Eagles Club students at SRES to talk about National Poetry Month and create fun zine projects. Click here to learn more about Kinsale, her poetry, and her literacy endeavors.
End-of-Year Celebrations & Promotions
- The Salt River Family Read Aloud Challenge ends May 3. Have you read 25 books yet? There’s still time! Learn more and join the challenge today!
- The ECEC campus will be closed May 8-12 to allow all ECEC staff to attend the National Head Start Conference in Phoenix and participate in professional development activities at the ECEC. This means the ECEC building will be closed to students and families during this time. All ECEC families are asked to sign off that they are aware of the closure, which can be done either in person at the ECEC front office or online. Families are also responsible for finding alternative care May 8-12. Click here to learn more.
- In order to meet the requirement for Early Head Start contact hours for the 2022-2023 program year, the last Early Release the ECEC will participate in will be April 12. The ECEC will not participate in Early Release on April 26, May 10, or any Early Release dates during the summer. Call the ECEC at 480-362-2200 with any questions.
Questions? Call 480-362-2500 or email [email protected]. Have a wonderful week!