Join the Safe Schools & Security and Education Native Language & Culture teams for a special joint Vaila & Soda with Security Night! The event is Thursday, Dec. 19, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the ALA Gym.
This event is free and open to ALL! Click here to view our flyer.
Check out Mr. Ipa and Mr. Esteban showing us how to be safe AND have fun!
Dance to chicken scratch and cumbia sounds from the band Native Thunder, eat pizza while supplies last, learn holiday safety tips from the experts, and win prizes (Best Dressed, Life of the Party, and Cumbia Contest)!
Questions? Call Ipa Dutchover at 480-362-2400 or visit www.SaltRiverSchools.org.

Holiday Safety Tips for SRPMIC Families
This isn't an exhaustive list, but hopefully this might help families remember to be aware of their surroundings whether they're out dancing with Community or tucked warmly in bed.
- Stay alert; know your surroundings.
- Conceal attractive items on your person & around your car/home.
- Lock windows & doors (home/car).
- Keep receipts & a list of items. Have insurance.
- Be ready for the unexpected.
- Change passwords often.
- Check accounts daily when using a credit/debit card.
- Shop online using reputable companies & plan ahead for deliveries.
- Check for age-appropriate toys (choking hazards).
- What materials are the toys made with? Check for toxic chemicals.
- Keep your car & home maintained to ensure proper heating efficiency.
- Dress in layers if you’ll be outdoors.
- Remember water & sunscreen in the Valley year-round.
- Keep first aid & emergency preparedness kits in your car/home.

Looking for more safety tips? Esteban Lopez, our Safe Schools & Security Manager, suggests watching the following short videos:
Electrical Safety Foundation International
Ohio Department of Transportation