You're invited to the Salt River Schools Community Forum, which are hosted quarterly by our Superintendent. This topic at this forum is School Safety!
If you've ever had questions or comments about our policies related to student safety and discipline, this would be a great forum for you to attend!
At this forum, we'll also discuss recent efforts by the SRPMIC Tribal Council to spread awareness about substance abuse issues in the Community, including prevention resources and how the schools have a unique role to play in helping the Community lift itself out of what many are calling a substance abuse crisis. We want your input!
WHEN: Tuesday, May 15
TIME: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
WHERE: SRPMIC Council Chambers (10005 E. Osborn Road)
INFO: 480-362-2500
WE WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU THINK! Students, families and staff from area organizations that serve our students are encouraged to participate in productive dialogue about what's working, what's not working and how we can improve safety within our Division and Community.
The agenda is flexible and designed for conversation; however, here’s an outline:
- 5:30 p.m. Welcome & Refreshments
- 5:45 p.m. Dr. Laffitte’s Presentation on School Safety
- 6:15 p.m. Discussion on Community’s Anti-Drug Campaign and Education’s role within that campaign
- 6:45 p.m. Q&A – Audience questions, comments, concerns and solutions about this or any school-related topic.
- 7:30 p.m. Closing
Snacks will be available. This meeting is open to the public.