There are several upcoming events. Please refer to our main calendar page (bookmark this!) for more information about these and other events/announcements.
- Tuesday, April 4, is the next Nurturing Parenting Group meeting, which is open to all SRPMIC teen parents. Participants will receive free diapers and books for their child in a safe and supportive atmosphere. Light refreshments will be provided. The group meets Tuesdays and Thursdays now through May 4. On Tuesdays, the group meets in person from 4-6:30 p.m. On Thursdays, the group meets virtually. Learn more and sign up today by calling Margaret Lehn at 480-765-0617.
- Wednesday, April 5, is the next car seat check at the ECEC. These take place every first and third Wednesday of the month (March-May) from 7-9 a.m. in the ECEC drop-off lane. No appointment needed! Contact Melinda Hansen at 480-362-2206 for more information.
- Thursday, April 6, is College Wear Day, which occurs every First Thursday of the month for all staff and students at Salt River Schools. This initiative began several years ago as a fun way to promote higher education. It's so fun to see students rocking t-shirts, hats, socks, pins, ties, and whatever else shows off that college spirit.
- Thursday, April 6, is the return of the annual Education Fair in the ALA gymnasium from 4-7 p.m. The theme is “Exercising Minds, Bodies, and Spirits,” and we’re really excited about the 60+ exhibitors that will be doing fun activities with our participants. Join us for a BBQ dinner, awesome prizes, special guests, and more!

- Friday, April 7, Salt River Schools celebrates a Spring Holiday (no school/SRS closed). Enjoy!
- April 14: Join Higher Education staff, as well as featured guest speakers within and around the Community the first(ish – for April it’s the second) Friday of the month from 10 a.m. to noon via MS Teams. The Higher Education First Friday Chats are open to all and feature important information about college and career-related topics, including applications, funding, scholarships, counseling, and so much more!
- Saturday, April 15 and April 22, are the next ALA Saturday School sessions from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Click here for more information.
End-of-Year Celebrations & Promotions
- The SRES kindergarten celebration is May 15 from 9-11:30 a.m. in the ALA Lecture Hall.
- The ECEC pre-K promotion ceremony is May 16 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the ECEC (a schedule is forthcoming)
- The SRES 6th grade promotion ceremony is May 17 from 1:45-3:15 p.m. in the ALA Lecture Hall.
- The ALA graduation ceremony is Tuesday, June 20, beginning at noon (location TBD).
- The SRPMIC Graduation Recognition event is Thursday, June 22, at Talking Stick Resort. Click here for more information.
- Help us celebrate Owen Cooper, a second grader at Salt River Elementary School who recently won a statewide art contest. Arizona Treasurer Kimberly Yee honored Owen and 13 other AZ students in grades K-6 at the state capitol on 3/28. They each received $529 towards an AZ529 account (an education savings plan). For the contest, Yee’s office invited K-6th graders across Arizona to draw, paint, or otherwise find a creative way to make an art piece representing their dream job. Owen’s family was at the capitol celebration, as were Mrs. Meyers and Mr. McCleney (“Coach B”) from SRES, and SRPMIC Councilman Jacob Butler. Owen won the award for creating a stunning piece that featured Red Mountain; he said he wants to be an artist when he’s older (go figure - he already has such talent!). Click here to learn more.
- Congratulations to Dr. Lynette Stant for being chosen to serve on the AZ Educator Retention Task Force. Last week, Gov. Katie Hobbs announced the members of the task force, which she created by executive order in February. Hobbs said the number of people who applied was impressive and those selected represent a diverse group of educators, administrators, parents and other experts from across the state. Read more about it here.
- There’s still plenty of time to join the Salt River Family Read Aloud Challenge. Learn more and join the challenge today! This is open to ALL SRPMIC families. Information (and TONS of books!) will be shared at this week’s Education Fair.
- The ECEC campus will be closed May 8-12 to allow all ECEC staff to attend the National Head Start Conference in Phoenix and participate in professional development activities at the ECEC. This means the ECEC building will be closed to students and families during this time. All ECEC families are asked to sign off that they are aware of the closure, which can be done either in person at the ECEC front office or online. Families are also responsible for finding alternative care May 8-12. Click here to learn more.
- In order to meet the requirement for Early Head Start contact hours for the 2022-2023 program year, the last Early Release the ECEC will participate in will be April 12. The ECEC will not participate in Early Release on April 26, May 10, or any Early Release dates during the summer. Call the ECEC at 480-362-2200 with any questions.
Questions? Call 480-362-2570 or email [email protected].