Here’s a roundup of what’s happening this week + some Winter Break details. As always, please refer to our main calendar page (bookmark this!) for more information about these and other events/announcements.
- The ECEC Policy Council meets Tuesday, Dec. 13, at 5:30 p.m. in the ECEC Gathering Place (MS Teams option also available). These meetings are open to all ECEC families.
- Thursday, Dec. 15, is the Soda With Security discussion about human trafficking awareness and prevention hosted by the Safe Schools & Security team and the Arizona Attorney General’s Office. The event will be held in the ALA Lecture Hall from 5:30-7 p.m. Dinner will be served! Click here to download the flyer. Soda With Security events are free and open to all!
- Friday, Dec. 16, the ECEC will host a special Winter Wonderland event that will take place inside the classrooms (no snow this year due to ongoing construction projects). The event is open to ECEC families from 10-11 a.m. (we hear a special guest from the North Pole will also be visiting). Click here to download the flyer.
And all this week, ECEC and SRES students and staff are participating in special holiday theme days. How fun!
Friday is the last day of the second quarter/first semester. Winter Break begins next week Monday, December 19; students return to school on Wednesday, January 4. Some reminders:
- The ECEC will have childcare available during Winter Break. Contact your child's teacher or Family Advocate for more information, or call 480-362-2200.
- Salt River Schools Administrators will continue to be on-site. However, the following days our buildings (including the ECEC) will be closed for the holidays: 12/23, 12/26, and 1/2.
- Tuesday, January 3, 2023, is an in-service day for Salt River Schools staff and there will be no students (including the ECEC). Again: ECEC, SRES, and ALA students return to school on Wednesday, Jan. 4.
- Please note: The FACE program resumes services on Monday, Jan. 9 (center-base adults and students return to campus; home base families begin visits). FACE will have family orientation for center base on Jan. 5. For more information, call 480-362-2400 or email [email protected].
Have a wonderful week. Happy Holidays to you and yours!