The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community invites artists to submit qualifications to create artwork for the newly designed additions and renovations at the Early Childhood Education Center.
Click here to view more information about the construction project.
The selected Artist will be expected to work with the SRPMIC Public Works Project Manager, the architectural team (DLR), and ECEC stakeholders to create meaningful and culturally significant artwork that aligns with the SRPMIC Community Development Department, Planning Services Division’s (CDD-PSD) cultural design requirements for new construction projects.
The selected artist will be expected to create a work or works that will engage ECEC's students and staff, as well as Community stakeholders.
Click here to view the full RFP document (issued Dec. 1, 2022; full text is below). PROPOSALS ARE DUE by EOB (5 p.m.) on THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 2022.
Direct questions/inquiries BEFORE the proposal deadline via email to the SRPMIC Public Works Primary Contact:
[email protected]; please cc
[email protected].
Issued By
Salt River Pima - Maricopa Indian Community
Public Works
Scottsdale, Arizona 85256
December 1, 2022
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Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC) invites qualified Artists to submit qualifications to create artwork for the newly designed additions and renovations to the Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC). The selected Artist will be expected to work with the SRPMIC Public Works Project Manager, the architectural team (DLR), and ECEC stakeholders to create meaningful culturally significant artwork as part of the Community’s Community Development Department, Planning Services Division’s (CDD-PSD) cultural design requirements for new construction projects.
The selected Artist will be expected to create a work or works that will engage the students and staff of ECEC as well of the Community.
The Community is located in central Arizona in Maricopa County, east of Phoenix metropolitan area adjacent to Hwy 101. The Tribal Headquarters is located at 10005 East Osborn Road, Scottsdale Arizona, 85256.
The Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC) is located at 4836 North Center Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85256.
The current ECEC is a 53,425 SF building complex comprised of seven individual, single story buildings arranged in a radial pattern and was built in 1998. ECEC serves 246 students ranging from 6 weeks to 5 years old. Over 100 staff work at the site. ECEC’s mission statement “To create a balance of exemplary education and the O’Odham and Piipaash cultures to ensure a positive future for our children and our Community.” As part of this mission ECEC is continuously expanding to enhance the campus to accommodate the growing population and educational needs of the Community.
Expansion of the ECEC facilities complex consists of two additions; a 5,298 SF 1-story expansion to building A, and an 11,927 SF, 2-story addition to building B. Additions include classrooms, support spaces, administration spaces and a new multi-purpose room. As part of the building expansion a new staff parking lot on the north side of the property is also planned.
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community will use an Owner’s Team to guide this process. The Owner’s Team will consist of SRPMIC Public Works, ECEC Team Members and the Architect. The selected Artist will report to the assigned Public Works Primary Contact listed below.
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community is soliciting proposals from qualified Artists, Designers, or teams thereof, aged 18 or over for the complete scope of work as defended by this RFQ and/ or the attached EXHIBITS. Prospective Artists must demonstrate experience in design, communication, and be able to demonstrate experience with large scale construction projects in their submission images and materials. Artists with connections to SRPMIC and/ or other Native American Tribes are especially encouraged to apply and will receive preference in the selection process. It is the policy of the Community to promote the success and growth of Community affiliated and other Native American members.
Prospective Artists may make written inquiries concerning this RFQ to obtain clarification of the requirements. No inquiries will be accepted after the deadline set forth in the “PROJECT TIMELINE”, Section II. Inquiries must be Email directed to the SRPMIC Public Works Primary Contact noted above, with cc: to [email protected].
In the event it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFQ, an addendum will be provided to each firm who received the original RFQ. The contact person for requesting a copy of this RFQ is the SRPMIC Purchasing Department at [email protected].
Before submitting a Proposal, Proposer shall examine all documents comprising the Request for Qualification (RFQ), be fully informed of all existing conditions and limitations. At minimum the proposal should consist of the following:
- Artist Statement of Interest (max 1 page): This is an opportunity to introduce yourself and describe what skills and qualification you can bring to the project, why you are interested in this opportunity, and to share how you approach collaboration in the design processes.
- Digital Images: 4-6 high resolution images of your relevant work/ projects. Images may include previously completed work or may consist of one or more conceptual proposals specific to this request. Note that multiple images of the same artwork will count as individual images toward the 4-6 images requested.
- Image List: (Maximum 2 pages) A separate document listing information about the digital images. For each image submitted list the title, date, size, media and a brief conceptual description with a thumbnail of the image. Submitters should note what their role was in producing the works depicted.
- Cultural Design: Describe your approach to incorporating culturally significant elements from both the O’odham and Piipaash cultures and how this might tie to the Community and educate the children who attend ECEC. Include conceptual or specific elements or stories.
- Resume/CV: (Maximum 2 pages)
- Professional References: Past commissions etc. (include email address, phone number, and job title)
- Community Member and/ or Native American Preference: Indicate your Community member or other Native American status. Explain you experience and familiarity with the unique needs of Native American tribes.
Please note that Artists are not being asked to submit developed or final artwork at this time. Artists are free to produce concept images at their discretion. There will be no compensation to participate in the RFQ submittal.
PROPOSAL SUBMISSION: Electronic PDF of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) must be received on or before the date and time noted in the “PROJECT TIMELINE” table Section II. RFQs WILL NOT be accepted after the stated deadline date/ time.
- Electronic proposals only.
- Submittals are limited to one email with a maximum file size of 25 MB.
Please send submittals and any questions regarding the submittal requirements to: [email protected].
Interviews will be held as part of the RFQ selection process. Interview schedule to follow once RFQ submittals have been received, reviewed and a shortlist compiled. Note, not all submitters may be asked to participate in the interview portion of the selection process.
A Pre-Submittal Information Meeting and Site Visit will be held at the Project site, Attendance at the Artist pre-submittal session is not mandatory but strongly encouraged. Refer to the “PROJECT TIMELINE”, Section II for the date and time.
SRPMIC reserves the right to reject all proposals and cancel at any time for any reason this solicitation, any portion of this solicitation or any phase of the Project. The Community shall have no liability to any proposer arising out of such cancellation or rejection. The SRPMIC reserves the right to waive minor variations in the selection process.
For projects on or within the Community’s Educational Buildings and or/ Complex a background check may be required for Artists and any personnel who have access to students and who will be on campus more than two times in a calendar year.
The Community will negotiate any provision not addressed by this solicitation with the selected Respondent. In the event the Community is unsuccessful in negotiating with the selected Respondent, the Community will then negotiate with the next Respondent in the ranking contract, or may decide to terminate the selection process. The Community reserves the right to conduct concurrent negotiations with all responsible Respondents for the purpose of determining source selection and/or contract award.
Offerors shall not retain a person or agency to solicit or obtain an SRPMIC contract for a contingent fee, except a bona fide employee or agency. For breach or violation of this policy, SRPMIC shall have the right to annul such contract without liability or to deduct from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of the contingent fee.
Any dispute or claim arising from, or relating to this Agreement, or breach thereof that cannot be resolved promptly by the parties shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules, then obtaining, of the American Arbitration Association. It is understood that neither this Agreement nor the Rules of the American Arbitration Association shall confer jurisdiction on any courts of the State of Arizona or of the United States. It is further understood that arbitration as set forth in this paragraph is the exclusive remedy for any dispute or claim related to this Agreement.
Nothing in this Agreement, or any current or future schedules, attachments, exhibits, amendments, or addenda, is intended to be or shall be construed as a waiver of the Community’s sovereign immunity, except as may be provided in Arbitration paragraph above.
Request for proposal issued
Thu, 12/1/2022
Pre-Proposal Meeting
Mon, 12/12/2022
10:00 am
Proposals Due
Thu, 12/22/2022
Proposal Review & Short List
Fri, 1/6/2023
Interviews with Short Listed Artists |
Mon, 1/9/2023
Week of, date TBD
Artist/s Selection
Fri, 1/13/2023
- Proposed Artwork: The project consist of three separate artwork opportunities. Individual Artists will be considers for ALL three design opportunities to be showcased on both the exterior and interior of the ECEC campus. SRPMIC reserves the right to select separate Artists for one or more of the designated opportunities.
The intent of the artwork is to incorporate culturally significate Pima and Maricopa cultural elements with the new building architectural design The Design Team has previously engaged the SRPMIC Cultural Resource Department (CRD) for assistance in developing conceptual ideas. Artists are encouraged to review the included document however are free to provide their own unique ideas and interpretation. The selected Artist will be expected to create a work that will engage the public and needs to be culturally significant and age approbate for the facility which encompasses age’s 6 weeks to 5 years. Both Pima and Maricopa cultures should be equally represented.
- Proposed artwork opportunities/ locations:
- Artwork 1: Exterior - Consists of two dimensional graphics / imagery that can be incorporated into the new and existing exterior windows of the building. This work will likely be incorporated by printing the selected artwork on vinyl and applied to the exterior of the windows. The windows range in size from approximate 2’-0” square to 2’-0” wide by 6’-3” high at door sidelights. Two 10’-0” wide by 7’-4” high glass garage doors are also to be incorporated. Window locations and layout vary from building to building. See Exhibit A.
- Artwork 2: Exterior - Consists of two dimensional graphics / imagery and/ or sculptural elements that can be incorporated into the new two story addition exterior glass curtain wall on the North Elevation of Building B. This consists of two independent areas that are each 11’-4” wide and 23’-4” high (approximately 264 gross square feet). This work will be produced by printing the selected artwork on vinyl and applied to the exterior of the windows or may be produced by digitally printing directly on the insulated glass units. See Exhibit A.
- Artwork 3: Interior – Consist of two dimensional graphics / imagery and/ or sculptural elements that can be incorporated into and on the new North wall of the multi-purpose room A163. The wall is approximately 13’-0” high by 53’-4” wide. The wall consisting of a number of window openings and (2) display monitors that will need to be maintained and incorporated into the overall design. This work will may be produced by printing the selected artwork on vinyl and applied or a traditional painted mural or any combination of materials and techniques. See Exhibit A.
- Project budget & Artist compensation: ALL Costs associated with implantation of the artwork, which include; shipping/freight, materials, fabrication and installation costs for this commission will be coved by the Project budget and are to be determined. Costs related to the Artist’s project management fees; design development, artwork’s final design, Artists attendance at meetings etc. will be negotiated with the selected Artist/s after selection. The anticipated Artists total compensation for ALL (3) artworks is $5,000 - $8,000 total.
The Community will review all properly submitted Proposals, and may contact Respondents to request further information. Upon receipt of Proposal, the Artist Selection Committee will review the qualifications, conduct selective interview with a shortlisted Artists and submit its selection recommendations to Tribal Administration for approval. The decision by the Tribal Administration shall be considered final and is not subject to appeal.
The Community will make its selection based upon the Selection Procedures and Evaluation Criteria identified herein as they relate to the Scope of Services required. The Community will objectively evaluate Proposals using qualifications-based criteria by an Artist Selection Committee.
Applications will be pre-screened by a representative of the Artist Selection Committee to ensure that the submissions meet the minimum qualifications. The Artist Selection Committee will review Artists’ submissions and select 2-3 finalists to interview for this project. The finalists will be interviewed by the panel and will be asked to provide initial thoughts or approaches to this opportunity. The artist selection committee is comprised of members from SRPMIC Public Works department, ECEC staff and the Architect. The selected Artist will work with the Public Works Project Manager, the architectural team, and ECEC stakeholders throughout the project to develop, refine and implement the artwork.