Salt River Schools is excited to announce our annual Welcome Back staff event will be held on Monday, July 25!
As of July 1, the plan is to host this event in person; however, we may change to a virtual event if COVID-19 numbers continue to rise in the Community. We will keep this page updated as new information comes in.
Click here to view the welcome back letter from Dr. Corlett (this was also mailed to staff home addresses and emailed to staff work emails).

Deon is the creator of K’aalogii Kisses (Butterfly Kisses). Born and raised on the Navajo Nation (Chinle, AZ), she carries the strength and beauty of two rich cultures; Dine (Navajo) and Black. Through her Afro Indigeneity, Deon shares colorful stories on canvas and through the tradition of oral storytelling.
Deon's 13+ years in education has been the greatest platform in working with diverse people of all ages. Through art, Deon encourages others to create their own unique pieces that tell a story of their own.

Deon’s business is a combination of original artworks, guided paint sessions, and art-centered workshops. She also co-owns a shop in Scottsdale called H.E.R. Medicine (Heal. Empower. Rise), which extends into the community through workshops, monthly markets filled with Indigenous Artisans, and claiming space within urban areas.
Click here to learn more about Deon and her important work.