Decorate your sleigh (vehicle!) and join Salt River Schools and the NYCP Literacy For All team for a drive-thru holiday celebration filled with literacy, merriment, and holiday cheer.
The Reading All the Way Drive-Thru event will be held Tuesday, Dec. 12, from 6-8 p.m. The event will take place in the Accelerated Learning Academy's north parking lot (north of the football field) - enter heading east on Chaparral Road.
The theme is “
The Twelve Days of Christmas in Arizona,” based on the book by Jennifer J. Stewart.
There will be lots of gifts and prizes awarded for best car decorations!
The event is free and open to the public. Call 480-362-2500 or email
[email protected] for more information.
Check out this video of special gifts that will be given away to the first 25 cars in line! Salt River Elementary School students in Mrs. Meyers’ music and movement class have been working hard the last several weeks to create beautiful and uplifting pottery. The gift includes a pot painted with affirmations, as well as potting soil and seeds! A huge THANK YOU/SAPÉ to Home Depot (Talking Stick location) for donating the pots, soil, and seeds!