S.T.E.P. Up Tutoring
Student Tutoring and Enrichment Program
Updated December 2022: Free virtual math mentoring and tutoring is available for Arizona's K-12 students! If your student struggles with math, they are eligible to get one-on-one support from a dedicated math mentor through the University of Arizona's Center for Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers and STEMM AmeriCorps programs. All Arizona students in grades K-12 can access virtual math mentoring and tutoring every day via Zoom. No registration is necessary. Click here for the math mentoring and tutoring schedule.
Updated October 2022: We apologize for the inconvenience, but our STEP up Tutoring will be unable to provide services until further notice. This includes our after school tutoring, our school day tutoring, and summer programming. We will make an announcement when our service s are offered again. Please call Kathy Tucker, program coordinator, with any questions at 480-362-2530.
S.T.E.P. Up Tutoring provides academic tutoring services to all Community students, K-adult. Tutors are current or former college students, Community members and professionals assigned to Salt River Elementary School, Salt River High School, the Accelerated Learning Academy and selected Mesa Public Schools.
- All SRP-MIC members may participate in tutoring.
- All tutors are college students or former college students proficient in one or more subject areas who have received training on providing tutoring services.
- Tutors work one-on-one with students or in the classroom under the supervision and guidance of the classroom teacher.

After School Tutoring
After School Tutoring is offered to all Community students (regardless of what school or district they attend) at the Accelerated Learning Academy Library Monday through Thursday from 3:45-6 p.m. Parents/guardians must complete a registration form to enroll their child.
- Tutors provide assistance in English language arts (including reading and writing), mathematics, science and social studies/history or High School Credit Recovery.
- Students bring their homework and/or class assignments or are provided lessons for strengthening and accelerating skills.
- Students are selected based on parent request or teacher referral.
- Transportation arrangements must be made by parents. The exception is SRHS students, who have the option to ride the late bus.

School Day Tutoring
Tutoring is provided to Community students on a one-on-one or small group basis in the classroom or in a quiet area (the library, for example) near the classroom.
Tutors assist students with classroom assignments and "learning-how-to-learn" skills or provide specific mathematics and literacy development lessons.
Tutors are provided to students based on parent or teacher request and availability. Services are available to all students and no registration is required.
School Day Tutoring is provided in the following schools:
- Salt River Elementary School
- Accelerated Learning Academy

Summer Enrichment Program
S.T.E.P. Up Tutoring provides a four-week Summer Enrichment Program during the month of June for Community students not attending Salt River Schools. Parents/guardians must complete a registration form during the month of May to enroll their child.
- The program is for students in grades K-6 utilizes engaging themes, projects and activities. Instruction is focused on reading, writing and mathematics.
- We partner with the Jr. ACE program for the first two weeks for students in grades 5 and 6.
- Transportation, lunch and breakfast are included.
Summer Tutoring Program
During the month of July, the three-week Summer Tutoring Program is open to all Community students—including those attending Salt River Schools—grades K-12. Parents/guardians must complete a registration form to enroll their child.
- This program focuses on one-on-one or small group tutoring in reading, writing and mathematics.
- There is a morning session and an afternoon session. Students may attend the morning or afternoon sessions or both. Breakfast and lunch are provided.
- Transportation must be arranged by parents.
S.T.E.P. Up Tutoring Program Staff
Main Office: 480-362-2063
- Kathy Tucker | Program Coordinator | 480-362-2481
- Lea Lee | Program Assistant and SRHS Lead Tutor | 480-362-2063