Ske:g Tas, Salt River Schools Families!
There are several things happening during this short week of school. Please refer to our main calendar page (bookmark this!) for more information about these and other events.
- Tonight, Nov. 21, is the Salt River Schools Education Board meeting (in-person and call-in options) beginning at 5:15 p.m.
- Tuesday, Nov. 22, is Literacy Shirt Day at the Early Childhood Education Center.
- Wednesday, Nov. 23, is the return of the Turkey Trot at Salt River Elementary School. Click here for details and how to participate.
- Wednesday, Nov. 23, is an Early Release Day; students at the Early Childhood Education Center and Salt River Elementary School release at noon; students at the Accelerated Learning Academy release at 12:45 p.m.
Additionally, all Salt River Schools buildings and offices will close at noon (or whenever all students have been dismissed) on Wednesday, Nov. 23, as approved by SRPMIC and Salt River Schools leadership.
There will be no extended day care offered at the ECEC on Nov. 23; the ECEC asks that all families make plans to pick up their children at noon (bus riders will dismiss at normal early release time).
All Salt River Schools will be closed Thursday, Nov. 24, and Friday, Nov. 25, in recognition of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Salt River Schools feels so blessed to work with students and families of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. We hope everyone has a wonderful week and holiday full of gratitude and joy.
If you have any questions about Early Release or our holiday closure, please call your child's school or our administration offices at 480-362-2500.